
俄罗斯研究领域的“英国学派”——历史沿革、思想谱系与时代特征 被引量:1

“English School” in Russian Studies: History, Spectrum and Characters
摘要 英国开展俄罗斯研究的历史可以追溯到16世纪末,在400多年的时间里,英国学者对于俄罗斯的研究先后经历了"古典时期"、"帝国时期"、"苏联时期"和"转型时期"四个发展阶段,伴随着英俄外交关系的起落,展现出不同的倾向与特点。以"情感倾向"和"研究路径"两个关键要素作为基本维度,对于当前英国俄罗斯研究中的代表性观点进行二维空间的落点象限排布,可以展示当前英国俄罗斯研究领域中存在的五种典型的思想理念,并且勾勒出英国俄罗斯研究的总体思想谱系。英国的俄罗斯研究以其民族特征和经验主义哲学传统为基础,以开放、多元和包容的精神推动着学术的稳健发展,并影响着英国对俄外交战略的制定,其发展进程中的经验与教训都值得中国俄罗斯研究界加以认真学习和借鉴。 The history of Great Britain in carrying on Russian studies dates back to the end of the 16th century. In 400 odd years, the British scholars' Russian studies has gone through four stages namely "classical period", "empire period", "the Soviet Union Period" and "transition period". With the ups and downs of Britain-Russia diplomatic relations, there existed different tendencies and characteristics during each period. With the key elements of "sentiment orientation" and "research path" as two basic dimensions, this article attempts to outline the general spectrum of Russian studies in Great Britain and analyze five typical concepts within its current Russian studies through examining its present representative viewpoints. Based on its national characteristics and empiricist philosophical tradition, Russian Studies in Great Britain has gained moderate development through its open, pluralistic and inclusive spirit and, to a certain extent, affect Britain's Russian strategies as well. Actually, their success and lessons could offer references to Chinese Russian studies circle.
作者 封帅
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期3-36,共34页 Russian Studies
关键词 英国学派 历史沿革 思想谱系 时代特征 English School, History, Spectrum, Characters
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  • 1J. Hamel, England and Russia, New York: Routledge, 2013; Richard Chancellor, Richard Chancellor's Discoveries in Russia 1553, London: Pravda, 1998.
  • 2Bernard Pares, "The Objectives of Russian Study in Britain", The Slavonic Review, Jun 1922, Vol.1, No.l, p.59.
  • 3Bernard Pares, "The Objectives of Russian Study in Britain", p.59.
  • 4Giles Fletcher, Of the Russe common wealth. Or, Maner of gouernement of the Russe emperour, (commonly called the Emperour of Moskouia), at London, Printed by T. D. for Thomas Charde, 1591.
  • 5[德]马克思,"十八世纪外交史内幕",载于《马克思恩格斯全集》第四十四卷,北京:人民出版社,2001年,第267页.
  • 6唐纳德·华莱士爵士的生平可参考http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Mackenzie_wallce.
  • 7徐葵.美国的苏联问题研究发展概况——访美考察记之一[J].俄罗斯东欧中亚研究,1983(1):17-23. 被引量:7
  • 8http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold Williams (lingist authority_on__Russian_affairs.
  • 9Bernard Pares, "The Objectives of Russian Study in Britain", pp.59-60.
  • 10Stephen Hutchings, "Russian Studies in UK universities", http://ww.llas.ac.uk/resources/gpg/386/.










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