

Origins of Russian Empire's Ethnic Separatism
摘要 俄罗斯帝国解体,民族分离主义是其重要诱因。民族分离主义的产生多与帝国晚期政策失误有关。在民族政策上,帝国早期在专制的基础上进行差异化管理取得一定效果,但晚期以大俄罗斯主义为核心观念,强制实施直接统治,实施俄罗斯化政策,区分异族人,构建出少数民族的他者。在帝国治理上,自上而下的自治传统破坏了帝国的专制能力;为加强专制统治而频繁取消自治政策又引起更大的民族矛盾。这些因素导致帝国晚期外围民族主义的兴起,并在1905年革命时集中得以释放。随着帝国外部环境的变化,民族分离主义逐渐浮出水面,成为不可抗拒的趋势。 In terms of the collapse of the Russian Empire, ethnic separatism is an important incentive. The emergence of ethnic separatism is mainly related with late imperial policy failures. As far as national policies are concerned, during the early period, it achieved certain results due to its differentiate governance based on autocracy, but later with Greater Russia as the core concept, it enforced direct rule, implemented the policy of Russification, distinguish aliens and constructed minorities as "the other". In empire governance, the top-down autonomy tradition destroys the autocratic ability of the empire; while frequent cancelling autonomy policies, in order to strengthen authoritarian rule, has caused greater ethnic conflicts. These factors led to the rise of periphery nationalism in late imperial Russia and were finally released during the 1905 revolution. With the changes of the empire's external environment, ethnic separatism gradually emerged and became an irresistible trend.
作者 孙超
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期140-162,共23页 Russian Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"后苏联空间内‘未被承认的政治实体’研究"(项目批准号:11JJDGJW010)的阶段性成果
关键词 俄罗斯 帝国治理 自治 外围民族主义 民族分离 Russia, Empire Governance, Autonomy, Peripheral Nationalism, Ethnic Separatism
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