【目的】调研氢吗啡酮应用于术后镇痛的效能。【方法】择期ASAⅠ-Ⅱ级肝胆或胃肠开腹手术120例,手术后随机双盲等分为4组,每组30例,根据术后镇痛方法分为静脉氢吗啡酮组(VH)、静脉吗啡组(VM)、硬膜外氢吗啡酮组(EH)、硬膜外吗啡组(EM)。VH组首剂量生理盐水5 mL+氢吗啡酮0.4 mg,维持为生理盐水100 mL+氢吗啡酮3.6 mg;VM组首剂量生理盐水5 mL+吗啡2 mg,维持为生理盐水100 mL+吗啡18 mg;EH组首剂量0.25%罗派卡因5 mL+氢吗啡酮0.4mg,维持为0.125%罗派卡因100 mL+氢吗啡酮1.6 mg;EM组首剂量0.25%罗派卡因5 mL+吗啡2 mg,维持为0.125%罗派卡因100 mL+吗啡8 mg,所有镇痛泵速度2 mL/h,镇痛48 h。围术期监测呼吸、循环、镇静、镇痛效果及不良反应。【结果】所有患者均顺利完成手术安返病房,术后镇痛满意度达98%,Ramsey镇静评分均为2~3分,属于满意镇静。VH组镇痛后12 h、24 h、48 h时与镇痛前SPO2比较下降,P〈0.05;VM组镇痛后2 h Sp O2较镇痛前下降,P〈0.05;VH组镇痛后48 h R-VAS评分较镇痛后6 h下降,P〈0.05;VH组镇痛后24 h、48 h M-VAS评分较镇痛后2 h、6 h下降,P〈0.05;VM组镇痛后6 h MVAS评分较镇痛后2 h下降,P〈0.05。EH组镇痛后2、6、12、24、48 h较镇痛前SBP下降,P〈0.05;EH组镇痛后12、24、48 h较镇痛前HR增快,P〈0.05;EH组镇痛后6、12、24、48 h较镇痛前SPO2下降,P〈0.05;EH组镇痛后48 h M-VAS评分较镇痛后2 h下降,P〈0.05。EH组镇痛后24 h、48 h时DBP较VH组下降,P〈0.05;VH组镇痛后12~48 h Sp O2较镇痛前下降,P〈0.05。四组术后恶心、呕吐的发生率无明显差异(P〈0.05),硬膜外用药组瘙痒发生率均高于静脉用药组,P〈0.05;EM组和VH组嗜睡发生率均多于EH组,P〈0.05;EM组和VM组头晕发生率分别多于EH组和VH组,P〈0.05。【结论 】氢吗啡酮可以代替吗啡,无论静脉与硬膜外应用都能取得良好的术后镇痛效果,氢吗啡酮的副作用相对少于吗啡,值得临床推广应用。
[ Objective] To investigate the efficacy of hydromorphone in postoperative analgesia. [Methods] Selected 120 patients undergoing hepatobiliary or gastrointestinal surgery of ASA I-II levels , were randomly and double-blindly divided into four groups (n = 30 each):VH group patients were treated by a bolus dose of normol saline 5 mL and hydromorphone 0.4 rag, continuously intravenous infusion with normal saline 100 mL and hydromorphone 3.6 nag; VM group were treated by a bolus dose normol saline 5 mL and morphine 2 rag, continuously intravenous infusion with normal saline 100 mL and morphine 18 mg; EH group were treated by a bolus dose of 0.25 % ropivacaine 5 mL and hydromorphone 0.4 nag, continuously epidural pumping with O. 125% ropivacaine 100 mL and hydromorphone 1.6 rag; EM group were treated by a bolus does 0.25% ropivacaine 5 mL and morphine 2 rag, continuously epidural pumping with 0.125% ropivacaine 100 mL and morphine 8mg. All the analgesia pump speed 2 mL/h during 48 h. Then the respiration, circulation, sedation, pain scores and side effects were perioperatively monitored in all groups. [Result] Postoperative analgesia satisfaction reached 98%. Ramsey's Sedation Scales are 2-3 scores belong to satisfied with sedation. SpO2 was significantly lower at 12, 24, 48 h after analgesia than that before analgesia in VH group (P 〈 0.05) ; SpO2 was significantly lower at 2 h after analgesia than that before analgesia in VM group (P 〈 0.05) ; R-VAS was significantly lower at 48 h than that at 6h after analgesia in VH group (P〈 0.05) ; M-VAS was significantly lower at 24 h, 48 h than that at 2 h, 6 h after analgesia in VH group (P〈 0.05) ; M- VAS was significantly lower at 6h than that at 2h after analgesia in VM group (P 〈 0.05) ; Compared with SBP before analgesia, there was significantly decrement at 2, 6, 12, 24, 48 h after analgesia in EH group (P 〈 0.05) ; HR was significantly higher at 12, 24, 48 h after analgesia than that before analgesia in EH group (P 〈 0.05) ; SpO2 was significantly lower at 6, 12, 24, 48 h after analgesia than that before analgesia in EH group (P 〈 0.05) ; M-VAS was significantly lower at 48 h than that at 2 h after analgesia in EH group (P 〈 0.05) ; Compared with DBP of VH group, there was significantly decrement at 24 h,48 h after analgesia in EH group (P 〈 0.05). There was no signify difference in the rate of nausea and vomiting among four group (P 〉 0.05). The incidence of pruritus in epidural group was higher than that in patients with intravenous administration (P 〈 0.05). The rate of drowsiness in EM group and VH group was higher than that of EH group (P 〈 0.05). The rate of dizzy in EM group and VM group was respectively higher than that of EH group and VH group (P 〈 0.05). [Conclusion] This study found hydromorphone to be at least as effective as morphine when delivered by continuous intravenous or epidural infusion in postoperative analgesia, and side effects may be less.
Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University:Medical Sciences
postoperative analgesia