
2015年北京市手足口病流行特征分析 被引量:9

Analysis on epidemiological characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease in Beijing,2015
摘要 目的对2015年北京市手足口病病例流行病学特征进行分析,为手足口病防控措施调整提供科学依据。方法利用中国疾病预防控制系统及北京市手足口病监测数据对手足口病例流行病学特征进行分析。各组间的率与构成比的比较采用卡方检验。结果2015年北京市累计报告手足口病例28677例,发病率为133.28/10^5,低于前三年的平均水平。病例发病时间主要集中在5—8月,共21325例,占全年报告病例数的74.36%。全市发病率较前一年下降40.58%。发病率前三位的区为平谷区(249.49/10^5,1171例)、顺义区(215.72/10^5,2171例)和大兴区(213.01/10^5,3259例)。发病率性别比为1.43:1(男:女)。患者以0~5岁病例居多(87.77%)。病例主要为散居儿童(53.88%)和托幼儿童(37.34%)。结论应在夏季针对人口密度大的地区中5岁及以下儿童、散居儿童等进行综合干预,以防控手足口病的传播。 Objective To describe the epidemiological characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) in Beijing in 2015, and to provide scientific evidence for disease prevention and control. Methods Data were collected from China information system for disease control and prevention. The incidence of HFMD was obtained using descriptive analysis. The rates and proportion ratios in different groups were compared using chi-squared test. Results There were 28 667 cases reported in 2015 and the incidence was 133.28/10^5 , which was lower than the average of previous three years. There were 21 325 cases reported during May to August, which accounted for 74.36% of total cases. The incidence dropped by 40. 58% than the previous year. The top three districts with the highest incidence were Pinggu district (249.49/10^5, 1 171 cases), Shunyi district (215.72/10^5, 2 171 cases) and Daxing district (213.01/10^5, 3 259 cases). The incidence for male to female ratio was 1.43: 1. There were 87.77% patients aged 0 - 5 years old. Scattered children and nursery children accounted for 53.88% and 37.34% respectively. Conclusion Multiple measures targeting children under 5-year-old should be taken in densely populated areas during summer to prevent and control disease transmission.
出处 《首都公共卫生》 2016年第4期145-148,共4页 Capital Journal of Public Health
基金 北京市科学自然基金(编号:7164240) 北京市疾病预防控制中心/北京市预防医学研究中心科研项目培育专项(编号:2016-BJYJ-09)
关键词 手足口病 流行病学特征 易感人群 Hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) Epidemiological characteristics Susceptible group
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