
互联网时代的可持续城市介入 “创客”生态链都市形态透析 被引量:4

Sustainable Urban Intervention in the Internet Era Perspectives on the Urban Form of "Maker" Eco-system
摘要 随着电脑技术的不断发展,基于互联网的"第三次工业革命"加快了技术全球化的步伐,"数字制造"不断小型化、桌面化的趋势为"个人终端定制"提供了史无前例的便捷性;黑客的反主流文化和开源共享的创客精神让大众业余化的创新(大众创新)模式变成时代新的驱动力;"数制运动"需要线上线下的联动,空间布局中"人与机器"、"数据传导和物理空间"的关联性和模数设计,创客创业生态链下都市的形态和构成,成为中国"大众创新,万众创业"背景下,城市更新2.0可持续介入的重要课题。 With the rapid development of the computer technologies, the internet-based "Third Industrial Revolution" has accelerated the pace of the globalization of technology. Both the increasingly downsizing in digital production and the desktop trend has provided an unprecedented convenience to personal fabrication, Hackers' anti-mainstream culture and makers' spirit of sharing and open-source have brought about a new driving force to this new era, the Mass Amaturization innovation which is also called the Mass Innovation. Digitalization requires both online and offline correspondence. The modulus design in the spatial arrangement and interconnection between "human beings and machines" and "data transfer and physical space", as well as the formation and composition of urban mechanisms under the ecological chain of makers entrepreneurship, have played an increasingly crucial role in today's operative mode, with alternate urban intervention under the age of Chinese mass innovation and entrepreneurship.
作者 丁峻峰
出处 《时代建筑》 2016年第4期47-55,共9页 Time + Architecture
关键词 互联网时代 可持续城市再发展 城市更新介入 创客生态链 众创空间 The Internet Era Sustainable Urban Re-development Intervention of Urban Regeneration Maker Eco-System Mass Innovation Space
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