

Structure and function analysis of canine ZP3
摘要 为了进一步研究家犬(Canis lupus familiaris)zP3的生物学功能及作用机制,研究采用生物信息学的方法,从NCBI数据库中搜集犬zP3基因的编码区序列(CDS),通过MAGE软件将其转化为蛋白质序列,利用ExPASy、BLAST和DNAStar等生物信息学在线软件及程序对蛋白质的一级、二级和三级结构进行预测,运用PAML软件对11个物种zP3基因进化、受到选择的位点进行分析,用Predict-protein和Weblogo分析了ZP3的保守性,采用Python和PyMOL对蛋白质的三级结构进行编辑。结果表明:犬zP3基因编码426个氨基酸,编码产物是一个有信号肽的亲水跨膜蛋白,第1~23位氨基酸是信号肽区域,跨膜结构域在第386~408位氨基酸的仪螺旋区;有4个位点检测到受到磷酸化的作用,这些磷酸化位点可能与信号转导有关;在zP结构域上有9个蛋白质结合位点;在zP3的325~385区段存在1个高变异区,并且大部分的磷酸化和受选择的氨基酸位点都分布在这一区域。说明该区域经历了快速的进化,暗示zP“结构域和该高变异区可能参与了精一卵的相互作用。 To further study the biological function and active mechanism of ZP3 in Canis lupusfamiliaris, the method of bioinformatics was used. The coding sequence (CDS) of canine ZP3 gene was collected from NCBI databases, and translated it into protein sequence used MEGA soft- ware. The primary structure, secondary and third structure were predicted using ExPaSy, BLAST, DNAstar and other bioinformatics online soft- wares and programs. PAML software was used to analyze ZIY3 gene evolution in 11 species and the selected sites, and Predictprotein and Weblogo online programs were used to detect the conservative property of ZP3, and Python and PyMOL softwares were used to edit the third structure of ZP3. The results showed that ZP3 gene encoded a protein of 426 amino acids ; and the encoded product was a hydrophilic transmem- brahe protein with a signal peptide. The amino acids at the sites of 1 to 23 belonged to signal peptide regions, and the transmembrane domains located at the α helix region in the amino acids at the sites of 386 to 408. There were 4 phosphorylation sites and they might be associated with signal transduction. There were 9 protein - protein binding sites on ZP domain, and there was a hypervariable region at the regional segments of 325 to 385 on ZP3, and most of phosphorylation sites and selected sites of amino acids were located in the hypervariable region. The results in- dicate that the region experiences rapid evolution, which suggests that ZP domain and high variable region may involve in sperm - egg interac- tion.
出处 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第8期23-26,31,286-288,共8页 Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine
关键词 ZP3 生物信息学 结构预测 生物学功能 canine ZP3 bioinfonnatics structure prediction biological function
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