1"News from the Outports: Red Control of Swatow Schools" , North China Herald, 1925,Dec 12:474.
2"Communists Capture Changteh", North China Hera/d, Aug.12, 1930:226.
3"Shanghai News: Communist Vengeance", North China Herald, Dec 1, 1931:312.
4"Powers Watching Events At Sian: Officials Leave to Study Welfare of Nationals: Evacuation of British by Aeroplane", North China Herald, Jan 13, 1937:46.
5"Chinese Communist Party", North China Herald, May 11, 1938:218.
6"Red leader visit Moscow explained", North China Herald, Apri 24, 1940: 122.
7"Chinese Reds Urge Nehru's Release", North China Herald, Nov 6,1940.
8"Discipline Enforced", North China Herald, Feb 5, 1941, p.197.
9"Red Invasion of Kuangtung", North Ctuna Herald, Feb 9, 1929.
10"Red Invasion of Kuangtung", North China Herald, Feb 9, 1929.