
翻译与跨文化——解读(德)艾伯华《中国民间故事类型》的翻译经过、发现与意义(下) 被引量:3

Translation and Trans-culture: Rethinking the Experience,Discovery and Meaning of Translating Types of Chinese Folktales by Wolfram Eberhard(Continued)
摘要 提倡多元文化发展,涉及跨语言交流,需要翻译;涉及跨学科交流,需要文化翻译;涉及跨文化交流,需要跨文化研究。上世纪的很多翻译工作侧重跨语言翻译,但翻译中国故事类型是一项跨学科的工作,而中西学者在各自社会文化环境和学术传统中编制中国故事类型,及其产生的理论与方法的对话和争论,则是一种跨文化研究。艾伯华编撰的《中国民间故事类型》与围绕它展开的多国学术讨论,正是这种个案。此个案告诉我们,从翻译到跨文化研究并不是一条直路,而是要信息互通、伦理互守、文化互见、学术互动和方法互补。时下大力提倡跨文化研究,解读这个个案,总结前人的经验,有助于缩短从翻译到跨文化研究的距离,促进多元文化的相互了解与共同繁荣。 The development of multiculturalism involves trans-lingual communication and translation. Interdisciplinary communication requires cultural translation. Trans-cuhural communication relies on trans-cuhural study. The work of translation in the last century focuses mainly on trans-lingual translation; however, translating the types of Chinese folktales is an interdisciplinary work. When scholars from the West and the East compile the type of Chinese folktales based on their respective academic traditions in different social and cultural background, it is a kind of trans-cultural study in discussion and argument of the theory and research methodology.The case in point is the academic discussion on Types of Chinese Folktales by Wolfram Eberhard in different countries. It shows that there is no shortcut between translation and trans-cultural study. It needs information-sharing, mutual ethnic-observing, cultural-revealing, academic interaction and complementary methodology. Currently it is highly encouraged to interpret this case by trans-cuhural study. By summarizing the previous experiences, the distance between the translation and trans-cuhural study can be shortened so as to enhance the mutual understanding and multicultural diversity.
作者 董晓萍
出处 《西北民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期114-125,共12页 Journal of Northwestern Ethnic Studies
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目"跨文化方法论研究"(项目批准号:15JJDZONGHE003)子课题的成果。项目主持人:金丝燕
关键词 中国故事类型 翻译 跨文化研究 钟敬文 艾伯华 Type of Chinese Folktales translation transculture study Zhong Jingwen Wolfram Eberhard
  • 相关文献


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  • 3艾伯华(Wolfram Eberhard)(中国民间故事)(Folktales of China), edited by Wolfram Eberhard, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,1965. in Folktale of the World,General editor : Richard M.Doson.
  • 4艾伯华(Wolfram Eberhard)(中国民俗学与相关评论)( Studies in Chinese Folklore and Related Essays ), the University of Chicago Press; the Indiana University ,1965.
  • 5波钠特(Leslie Bonnet)(中国童话)( Chinese Fairy Tales ), London, Frederick Muller Ltd, 1958.
  • 6[德]艾伯华(WolframEberhard).民间故事地区来源一览表[c]//中国民间故事类型.王燕生,周祖生译.北京:商务印书馆,1999:453.
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  • 8[德]艾伯华(Wolfram Eberhard).中国民间故事类型[M].王燕生,周祖生译.北京:商务印书馆,1999.455.
  • 9[美]丁乃通(Nai-tungTing).中国民间故事类型索引[M].郑建成,李琼,尚孟可,白丁译.北京:中国民间文艺出版社,1986.钟敬文《序》第4-6页.
  • 10艾伯华(Wolfram,Eberhard),董晓萍(译).丁乃通的《中国民间故事类型索引》:以口头传统与无宗教的古典文学文献为主[J].民族文学研究,2008,26(3):165-170. 被引量:1


  • 1[美]丁乃通.《中国民间故事类型索引》.中国民间文艺出版社,1986年版.249页.
  • 2Nachriten der GeseUschaft fu'r Natur-und Vo'lkerkende Ostasiens,1998,vol,27 - 128, pp137 - 140.
  • 3Nai-tung TING:-A Type Index of Chinese Folktales in the Oral Tradition and Major Works of Non-religional Classical Literatttre(FF Communications, no. 223 ) Helsinki, Scientiarum Fennica, 1978,294pages.
  • 4Wolfram Eberhard, Type of Chinese Folktale, FF Communications, no. 120, nelsinki, 1937.
  • 5[德]艾伯华(Wolfram Eberhald).《中国民间故事类型》,王燕生,周祖生译,商务印书馆1999年版.
  • 6Nai-tung TING, FF Communications, no, 223, Helsinki, Scientiarum Fennica, 1978.
  • 7[美]丁乃通.《中国民间故事类型索引》导言.第7-8页,郑建成,李缚,尚孟可,白丁译,中国民间文艺出版社1986年版.
  • 8W. Eberhard, Die chinesische Novelle des 17- 19,Jahrhunders, Artibus Asiae, Ascona, 1948.
  • 9Zum I Problem der Transmission von Erza"hlungen(not yet published)", cf. W. Eberhard, Studies in Taiwan Residents Tales, Asian Folklore arid Social Life Monographs,Taipei, 1970.
  • 10WolframEberhard, Studies in Chinese folklore and related essays, the University, of Chcago Press, the Indiana University , 1965.










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