
我国傣药资源的调查与整理研究 被引量:11

Investigation,collation and research of traditional Dai medicine of China
摘要 为了探讨我国傣药资源的组成与特点,以及傣药传统利用特点,促进傣药资源和传统知识的合理保护与传承利用,该文对我国傣药资源和传统知识进行了系统研究和整理分析。结果共查明我国傣药资源1 077种,其中272种为首次记录在傣族民间的药用情况。1 077种傣药中包含植物药1 053种,隶属于169科694属。这些植物药在我国主要分布于云南南部,西南部和东南部,广西南部,广东,贵州南部,四川南部,福建南部和台湾等热带亚热带地区,其中94.49%以上的物种在云南有分布。从生活型看,傣药植物以草本和灌木为主;从药用部位看,傣药中根及根茎类植物比例最高,其次为全草类和叶类;从性味与入塔看,凉性、苦味、入水塔类的傣药所占比例最大;从傣药治疗疾病情况看,治疗胃肠疾病的药物最多,其次为治上呼吸道感染、骨伤科疾病、风湿性疾病、泌尿系感染、妇科疾病、肝病、月子病、毒虫猛兽咬伤等药物。该研究表明我国有丰富的傣药资源及传统利用知识,但傣药资源和传统知识均面临逐渐减少和流失的风险,建议今后采取相关措施加强重要傣药及濒危资源的保护与利用研究,以及傣医药传统知识的保护和传承。 In order to find out the composition, characteristics and traditional utilization characteristics of Dai medicine and promote the rational protection, inheritance and utilization of the resources and traditional knowledge of Dai medicine in China, the resources of traditional Dai medicine have been investigated systematically and the traditional knowledge of Dai medicine have been analyzed in the article. We found out that there were altogether 1 077 kinds of traditional Dai medicine in China and among which 272 were the first time recorded in the condition of Dai folk medical uses. There were 1 053 plant medicines which belong to 169 family and 694 genus. These plant medicines mainly distributed in the southern, west southern and east southern area of Yunnan province, the southern area of Guangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou, Sichuan, Fujian province and tropical, subtropical district as Taiwan, and more than 94.49% plant medicines could be found in Yunnan province. From the point of plant life form, they were major herbaceous or shrubby plants; When it is used as medicinal part, root and rhizome of plants account for the highest proportion, the next were whole plant and leaves. From nature, flavor and channel tropism points of view, the largest proportion of Dai medicines were cool, bitter-tasted and possesses water element. In terms of treatment of disease types, most of the drugs can treat gastrointestinal diseases, next were drugs that could be used to treat upper respiratory infection, tranmatological and rheumatic diseases, urinary infection, gynecological diseases, hepatopathy, pu- erperium fever and diseases caused by poisonous insects and beast of prey bite. The study revealed that the resources of traditional Daimedicine and traditional knowledge of application were abundant in China, but the resources of traditional Dai medicine and traditional knowledge of application were faced with the risk of gradually reduce and loss. The article suggested that we should take measures to strengthen the study of protection and utilization of important traditional Dai medicine and endangered resources along with the protec- tion and transmission of traditional knowledge of Dai nationalistic medicine.
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第16期3107-3112,共6页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 中医药行业科研专项(201207002) 云南省世居少数民族文化精品工程项目
关键词 傣药资源 传统知识 保护 传承 traditional Dai medicine traditional knowledge protection transmission
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