

Diffusion Bonding of U-Al Sheets with Micrometers Thickness
摘要 开展了不同温度、压力和时间条件下微米厚Al片和微米厚U片的真空热压扩散连接实验,并对界面层进行了显微结构分析、元素能谱分析和纳米压痕测试。获得了U-Al机械结合无扩散层的工艺参数:350℃/63 MPa/1 h。保温1 h条件下,U-Al扩散层均匀化的工艺参数为400℃/80 MPa,扩散均匀情况下扩散层成分主要是UAl_2。 Diffusion bonding of U-Al sheets of micrometers in thickness by hot pressing in vacuum was carried out at different temperatures,pressures and for different holding time.The bonding interface was characterized by microscopic analysis,energy spectrum analysis and nanoindentation test.Results show that the appropriate process parameters without diffusion layer are 350 ℃63 MPa/1 h.Under the precondition of 1 h holding time,the process parameters for homogeneous diffusion layer are 400 ℃/80 MPa.The composition of homogeneous diffusion layer is mainly UAl2.
出处 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1898-1902,共5页 Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
关键词 U AL 扩散连接 真空热压 U Al diffusion bonding hot pressing
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