Objective:To report the multiple foci high frequent oscillations(HFOs) in tong term depth EEG of a patient with intractable epilepsy and review the related literature. Methods:The HFOs of the patient who was quietly sleeping were recorded, for 5 minutes The locations of HFOs, EEG, MRI and epileptic symptoms were analyzed and the operative result was assessed. Results:The complex partial sei- zures of the 29 years-old male patient probably indicated epileptonic right frontal lobe , hypometabolism foci was in the right midfrontal gyrus,bilateral hippocampal atrophy was found in MRI, right high fre- quent seizures remarkably in frontal lobe sharp-slow waves were in EEG, HFOs were in the bilateral me- sial temporal lobe and the right frontal lobe,with the left mesial temporal lobe and the onset zone was in the right frontal lobe 4 months after the stereotactic radio frequency amygdalohippocampectomy in the left mesial temporal lobe,the patient only had aura. Conclusion. HFOs in depth EEG for 5 minutes can be a- dopted to accurately locate the epileptogenie zone.
Journal of Epileptology and Electroneurophysiology(China)