
北京协和医院急诊从业人员心肺复苏实施情况的研究 被引量:8

Study of performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in Emergency Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital
摘要 目的:了解北京协和医院急诊从业人员CPR实施情况及存在的主要问题。方法:随机抽取北京协和医院急诊从业人员,应用医学模拟人进行心肺复苏测试,应用ZOLL公司R Seies除颤仪实时记录按压深度、频率及胸廓回弹速度。结果:北京协和医院急诊从业人员男女按压深度均值达到新指南要求,按压频率较指南要求范围略高,男女按压深度及频率均值未见明显差异,但按压深度、按压频率达标率男性优于女性。胸廓回弹速度与按压深度、按压频率呈线性相关关系。结论:北京协和医院急诊从业人员按压深度总体均值符合2015新版CPR指南要求,但能达到新指南要求按压深度和频率区间的人数比例仍较低,还有很大提升空间。按压频率总体均值略高,提示在实际工作中,存在按压频率偏快的问题。 Objective:This study sought to explore the performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR)in Emergency Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital,and to identify the key points in chest compression practice.Method:The process of CRP was performed using resuscitation model and the quality of chest compression including compression depth,compression frequency,and chest wall recoil velocity was monitored and recorded by ZOLL R Seies defibrillator among healthcare workers.Result:According to the 2015 AHA CPR guideline,the mean compression depth among all practationors was up to the standard.However,the compression frequency was beyond the recommended range.There was no difference in the mean compression depth and frequency between males and females.The qualified rate of compression depth and frequency was higher in males than that in females.The chest wall recoil velocity had a significant linear correlation with the compression depth and frequency.Conclusion:Although the mean compression depth was fit the 2015 AHA CPR guideline,the qualified rate of compression depth and frequency was still low,leaving huge space for improvement.In addition,the compression frequency was higher than the standard in the guideline suggesting that more attentions should be paid to control the compression frequency in practice.
出处 《临床急诊杂志》 CAS 2016年第7期535-537,共3页 Journal of Clinical Emergency
基金 国家卫计委公益性行业科研专项项目(No:201502019)
关键词 心肺复苏 指南 急诊 cardiopulmonary resuscitation guideline emergency
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