2Peter Duus.Science and Salvation in China:The Life and Work of W.A.P.Martin(1827-1916),in Kwang-Ching Liu:American Missionaries in China:Papers from Harvard Seminars.Harvard University Press Cambridge,Mass.1966.
3W.A.P.Martin.A Cycle of Cathay or China,South and North with Personal Reminiscences[M].Fleming H.Revell Company,New York,1900.
4Arthur H.Smith.The Life and Work of the Late Dr.W.A.P.Martin[J].The Chinese Recorder,February,1917.
5W.A.P.Martin.The Awakening of China[M].Doubleday,Page&Company,New York,1907.
8Triennial Calendar of The Tungwen College(Fourth Issue),Published by Authority,Peking,1888.
9Ralph Covell.W.A.P.Martin:Pioneer of Progress in China[M].Washington:Christian University Consortium,1978.
10Tsuen-Hsuin Tsien.Western Impact on China Through Translation.The Far Eastern Quarterly,Vol.13,No.3(May,1954).