目的 探讨组织支持感、职业成功对男护士留职意愿的影响,构建三者的关系模型,为临床男护士的护理管理提供依据。方法 2014年5—7月,采用目的整体抽样法选取天津市45所三级甲等医院的610名注册在职男护士为调查对象,应用组织支持感量表、职业成功量表及留职意愿量表进行测量,并运用SPSS 17.0和AMOS17.0软件进行数据分析和模型构建。结果 男护士留职意愿平均得分为(3.40±0.65)分;相关回归分析显示,组织支持感及各维度和职业成功及各维度均与留职意愿呈显著相关(r=-0.24~0.71,P〈0.01),且职业成功在组织支持感与留职意愿间起中介作用(β=0.22~0.65,P〈0.05);男护士组织支持感-职业成功-留职意愿关系模型的适配指标CMIN/df=2.904、AGFI=0.962、GFI=0.999、RFI=0.970、IFI=0.999、NFI=0.999、NNFI=0.980、CFI=0.999,RMR=0.005、RMSEA=0.056,模型拟合效果良好。结论 该留职意愿路径模型可应用于提升临床男护士留职意愿的相关研究中,指导医院护理领导有效管理男护士,提升护理服务质量及巩固护理队伍稳定。
Objective To explore influences of organizational support and career success on retention intention among male nurses and to provide evidences for clinical male nurses management. Methods With overall purposive sampling,610 clinical male nurses from 45 third-level grade A hospitals in Tianjin municipality were surveyed with Perceived Organizational Support Scale,Career Success Scale,and Retention Intention Scale. Data analysis and path analysis were carried out with SPSS 17. 0 and AMOS 17. 0. Results The retention intention score of the male nurses was 3. 40 ±0. 65. Correlation and regression analyses showed that all dimensions of organizational support and career success dimensions are significantly correlated with retention intention( r =- 0. 24- 0. 71,P〈0. 01). In addition,career success plays an intermediary effect between organizational support and retention intention among the male nurses( β = 0. 22- 0. 65,P〈0. 05). A well fitted model for the relationship between organizational support,career success and retention intention among the male nurses w as established,w ith the indexes values of 2. 904 for minimum value of the discrepancy( chi-square value) divided by degrees of freedom( CM IN / df),0. 962 for adjusted goodness of fit index( AGFI),0. 999 for goodness of fit index( GFI),0. 970 for relative fit index( RFI),0. 999 for incremental fit index( IFI),0. 999 for normed fit index( NFI),0. 980 for non-normed fit index( NNFI),0. 005 for root mean squared residual( RMR),and 0. 056 for root mean square error of approximation( RMSEA),respectively. Conclusion The model established could be used in studies about promoting retention intention of clinical male nurses.
Chinese Journal of Public Health
male nurse
organizational support
career success
retention intention
path analysis
hierarchical regression analysis