

An Analysis on the Characteristics and Philosophic Significances of Gentzen's Thoughts on Logical Deductions
摘要 论文在梳理根岑如何从逻辑公理化思想出发发展出自然演绎和矢列演算思想的基础上,总结出根岑逻辑演绎思想的主要特征。根岑对联接词引入和消去规则各自角色的理解及其采取的树形证明方式引导他发现并证明了切割消去定理。最后指出根岑的逻辑演绎思想对证明论语义学和意义理论有重要应用和哲学影响。 This paper shows that how Gentzen develop his own ideas on logical deductions from axiomatic system to natural deduction,and then to sequent calculus. After summarizing the main characteristics of Gentzen's thoughts on logical deduction,we conclude that it was his deep understanding on the functions of the introduction and elimination rule for each connectives and the tree proof style he adopted led him to discover and prove the cut- elimination theorem. Finally,we explored how Gentzen's ideas on logical deduction to enlighten the proof- theoretic semantics and to be applied on meaning theory.
作者 郭美云
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期84-89,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"面向博弈的动态逻辑研究"(15AZX020) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2362015xk02) 重庆市研究生教育教学改革研究项目(yjg143035)
关键词 自然演绎 矢列演算 证明论语义学 意义理论 natural deduction sequent calculus proof-theoretic semantics meaning theory
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