
侨易路线:青年凯泽林的异文化漫游与哲学志向的形成 被引量:2

Route of Qiao-Ⅰ:Young Keyserling's European Traveling and Ambition to Study Philosophy
摘要 凯泽林是20世纪上半叶德国最知名的哲学家之一,他对西方文明的反思和感性哲学主张,得到一战后发生信仰困扰的普罗大众,以及迫切寻求解决战后文化危机方法的知识精英的肯定。他出身于俄国贵族家庭,思想却广泛受到俄罗斯(斯拉夫)、德国(日耳曼)、法国(罗曼)乃至中国的文化影响,这得益于凯泽林青年时代在欧洲内部进行的地理旅行和他对异质文化敏锐的观察和思考。他的哲学志向的确立以及感性哲学观的初建与他的异文化漫游密不可分。本文以叶隽教授的侨易学理论为工具,对凯泽林的成长背景、教育经历以及欧洲旅行路线作出梳理,从而对青年凯泽林的思想变化过程形成完整的链条认识,在此基础上提出"侨易路线"的概念来解释侨易主体的侨易过程的连续性,延伸了"侨易现象"的内涵;并进一步补充以"侨易线路"的子概念,针对侨易主体的理论化作出阐释。本文还从侨易主体的相异性角度提出了解读多重侨易过程的一种方法。 Keyserling was one of the most famous philosophers in Germany during the first half of 20th century. His Sin- nphilosophie (philosophy of sensibility(Philosophic des Sinnes)) and self-examination of west civilisation were both accepted by normal people, who suffered from belief crisis, and intellectuals, who are anxious for a solution to cultural crisis after World War 1. Keyserling had a Russian aristocratic pedigree, while his thought was under the influences of culturs of Russia, Germany, France and China, which were owed to young Keyserling's travel throughout Europe and his acute observation and deep thinking of different cultures. The building of his ambition to study philosophy and philosophy of sensibility were inseparably intertwined with his traveling in Europe. With Kiao-Iology of Professor Ye Jun, there can be a complete recognition of young Keyserling's thought change after observing his growing up-background, education experience and European traveling route. Based on this, I advanced a concept of route of Qiao-I to explain the continuity of Qiao-I process, this concept extends the meaning of Qiao-I phenomenom I also supplied a subsidiary concept of line of Qiao-I to explain the theorization of Qiao-I subject. Three different concepts, route of Qiao-I, line of Qiao-I and Qiao-I of conception, offered a proposal to read a multiple Qiao-I process from perspective of diversity of Qiao-I subjects.
作者 董琳璐
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第4期71-77,124,共8页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 凯泽林 侨易路线 感性哲学 Keyserling route of Qiao-I SinnPphilosophie des Sinnes
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