目的探讨积雪草苷对小鼠学习记忆的增强作用和对PC12细胞的神经保护作用。方法 2012年8月-2013年1月期间建立东莨菪碱诱导的学习记忆紊乱的小鼠模型和Aβ25-35诱导的PC12细胞调亡的AD细胞模型,分别用水迷宫法测定小鼠的学习记忆功能和二甲基噻唑二苯基四唑溴盐(MTT)分析法研究细胞活性的改变。结果小鼠腹腔注射东莨菪碱4mg/kg可造成明显的记忆障碍(P〈0.01),给予积雪草苷(50-200mg/kg)对记忆有明显改善作用,能显著减少错误次数、缩短到达平台时间(P〈0.01);积雪草苷(100μmol/L)明显减少Aβ诱导PC12的细胞凋亡(P〈0.05)。
Objective To explore the effect of asiaticoside on the enhancement of learning and memory in mice and the nerve protection of PC12 cells. Methods Pharmacological model of amnesia in mice was produced by scopolamine from August 2012 to January 2013.Learning and memory were evaluated by water maze.Alzheimer's disease cell model of PC12 cells induced by Aβ viability was detected by using MTT assay. Results Significant memory deficit was made by scopolamine(4mg/kg,ip)(P〈0.01).Asiaticoside(50-200mg/kg) could improve the scopolamine-induced deficit,and decrease errors of entering non-exit,the time to find platform(P〈0.01).Asiaticoside(100μmol/L) could reduce apoptosis induced Aβ in cultured PC12(P〈0.05). Conclusion Asiaticoside has memory–enhancing effects and neuroprotective effects to the mice.
China Medicine And Pharmacy