
绿色智力资本、社会责任与企业绩效的关系 被引量:5

The Relationship among Green Intellectual Capital,Social Responsibility and Enterprise Performance
摘要 本文在文献回顾的基础上,构建绿色智力资本、社会责任与企业绩效之间的关系假设模型,并使用多层次问卷调查法对假设模型进行验证,试图从一个新的视角诠释企业竞争优势的来源、探索当前转型经济背景下企业绩效的关键驱动因素。实证分析结果表明绿色智力资本、社会责任皆对企业绩效具有显著正向影响,同时社会责任对绿色智力资本也具有显著正向影响。 On the basis of literature review , this paper establishes hypothetic model of the relationship among green in-tellectual capital , social responsibility and enterprise performance , and then validates this model by way of the multilevel behavioral questionnaires inventory to explain the sources of enterprises′competitive advantage from a new perspective , and explore the key driver of enterprise performance against the backdrop of transition economics .The results of empirical research show that green intellectual capital and social responsibility have a significant positive effect on enterprise per -formance, and social responsibility also has a significant positive effect on green intellectual capital .
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期145-151,共7页 Commercial Research
基金 河北省高层次人才科学研究项目"绿色智力资本对企业可持续发展的影响研究" 项目编号:GCC2014036
关键词 绿色智力资本 社会责任 企业绩效 green intellectual capital social responsibility enterprise performance
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