This paper is a sequel to Chapter 8, Narrative Theory, 1966-2006: A Narrative, of the 2006 edition of The Nature of Narrative. Rather than attempting to be comprehensive, it highlights five particular developments in the field, each connected with issues discussed in the 2006 essay, and it illustrates the interpretive consequences of each development by considering its implications for reading Ian McEwan's Atonement. The first two developments are related to ongoing "instabilities" identified at the end of the 2006 essay: unnatural narratology and theories of fictionality. The next three developments are related to the three main approaches discussed in 2006: within cognitive theory, work on theory of mind or mind-reading; within feminist theory work on intersectionality; and within rhetorical theory, work on the narrative communication model.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)