
非生物逆境胁迫下普通小麦烟农19幼苗FeSOD基因表达分析 被引量:9

Analysis of Fe SOD Gene Expression in Normal Wheat Yannong 19 Seedlings under Abiotic Stress
摘要 非生物逆境(高温、低温、干旱、盐胁迫等)严重影响作物生长,研究参与逆境胁迫应答基因具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)是一种广泛存在于真核生物中的金属酶类,在植物的抗逆性中起到重要作用。采用q RT-PCR技术,分析普通小麦烟农19幼苗叶中Fe SOD基因在盐、脱落酸(ABA)、干旱、高温、低温胁迫过程中的的表达模式。结果表明:在逆境胁迫下,普通小麦烟农19幼苗Fe SOD基因的表达量大体呈现先上升后下降的趋势。在37℃高温、-4℃低温、300mmol/L Na Cl、30%的PEG-6000和100μmol/L ABA胁迫下,Fe SOD基因的表达量分别在3、3、6、48和24h时最高,分别为对照的34.0、4.6、4.3、5.8、13.5和3.3倍,差异均达到显著水平,说明Fe SOD基因在普通小麦烟农19幼苗逆境胁迫中发挥着重要的调控功能,为进一步了解小麦抗逆分子机制和改良小麦品种提供理论依据。 Abiotic stresses(heat, cold, drought, salt stress, etc.) affect plant growth seriously, and even threatening the survival of plants. Research on stress responsive genes has important theoretical significance and application value.SOD is a kind of metal enzyme widely present in eukaryotes that plays an important role in the resistance of plants.In our research, the expression characteristics of Fe SOD gene in leaves of normal wheat Yannong19 seedlings under salt,ABA,drought, high temperature, low temperature environment were analyzed by q RT-PCR. The results showed that: Under stress conditions, the expression of Fe SOD generally increased firstly and then decreased. The expression level of Fe SOD gene, which were under 37℃,-4℃ low temperature, 300mmol/L salt, 30% PEG-6000 and 100μmol/L ABA stress conditions, were the highest when at 3h, 1h, 6h, 48 h and 24 h, respectively. And they were 34 times, 4.5 times, 4.3 times, 5.8 times, 13.5 times and 3.3 times of control group, respectively, which all reached the significant level. It suggested that Fe SOD might play an important regulation role under stress in normal wheat Yannong19 seedlings.The results provided theoretical basis for further studies on molecular regulation mechanism underlying abiotic stress resistance of wheat and improvement.
出处 《作物杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第4期75-79,共5页 Crops
基金 安徽省自然基金面上项目(1608085MC70)
关键词 普通小麦烟农19 幼苗 FeSOD QRT-PCR 基因表达分析 Normal wheat Yannong19 seedlings Fe SOD q RT-PCR Gene expression analysis
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