
新常态下国有林场森林生态效益可持续发展研究——以福建闽侯白沙国有林场为例 被引量:1

Sustainable Development of Forest Ecological Benefits of National Forest Farm under New Normal——A Case of Baisha National Forest Farm in Fujian
摘要 依据白沙国有林场资源调查数据、市场调查和专家咨询等方面数据,对林场不同方面生态效益价值进行经济核算。结果表明:白沙国有林场固碳释氧效益值最高(约为1.728×108元),其次依次为固土保肥效益值(约为4.458×107元)、其他生态效益值(约为3.969×107元)、水源涵养效益值(约为2.193×107元),土壤改良效益值(1.241×106元)最低。当前国有林场在生态效益价值总量较大,林场管理者在追求经济效益的同时,应当逐步提高对其生态价值量的重视,降低林场对用材林采伐的依赖程度,促进国有林场森林资源生态效益的可持续发展。 Different aspects of the forest ecological benefits were estimated based on the resources survey data , market research and expert ad-vice for Baisha National Forest Farm of Minhou.Results showed that ecological benefits on carbon fixation and oxygen released were the highest of Baisha National Forest Farm of Minhou, which was estimated up to about 1.728 ×108 Yuan, followed by the soil and fertilizer efficiency value (44.58 ×10 7 Yuan), other ecological benefits value (3.969 ×107 Yuan), and water conservation efficiency value (2.193 ×107Yuan), while the value of soil improvement benefits (1.241 ×106 Yuan) was the lowest.At present, the economic value of the national forest farm in the eco-logical benefits value were huge, when pursuing economic efficiency, forest managers should gradually attach great importance to the ecological value, reduce the reliance on forest timber harvesting, and promote the resources sustainable development of the forest ecological benefits in na-tional forest farm.
作者 吴新华
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2016年第17期61-63,126,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 经济核算 森林生态效益 可持续发展 Economic estimate Forest ecological benefit Sustainable development
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