
混合所有制企业高管团队断裂带对突破性创新绩效的影响:基于混合高管结构权力平衡的调节效应 被引量:22

The Impact of TMT Faultline on the Breakthrough Innovations of Mixed Firms:The Moderation of Structural Power Equality Between State-owned and Non-state-owned TMT Members
摘要 本文基于中国上市电子信息类混合所有制企业的纵向数据,使用负二项式分布模型分析不同类型高管团队断裂带与企业突破性创新绩效间的关系,以及混合高管结构权力平衡的调节效应。研究发现:(1)任务断裂带与突破性创新绩效无显著相关;(2)情感断裂带与突破性创新绩效显著负相关;(3)混合高管结构权力平衡负向调节情感断裂带与突破性创新绩效间的关系。因此,混合所有制企业需积极增强混合高管结构权力平衡。 Using data of Chinese mixed and listed electronic and information companies and applying fixed-effects Nega- tive Binomial Model, this study analyzes the relationships between TMT faultline, structural power equality and perform- ance of breakthrough innovations. The results indicate that, first, there is not significant effects of task-related TMT faultline on performance of breakthrough innovations. Second, there is significant and negative effects of affect-related TMT faultline on performance of breakthrough innovations. Third, structural power equality between state-owned and non-state-owned TMT members negatively moderates the relationship between affect-related TMT faultline and perform- ance of breakthrough innovations. Therefore, enterprises should mantain structural power equality between state-owned and non-state-owned TMT members in the mixed firms.
出处 《预测》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期15-21,共7页 Forecasting
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(14BGL180)
关键词 混合所有制企业 高管团队断裂带 结构权力 突破性创新 mixed firms TMT faultline structural power equality breakthrough innovations
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