目的探讨单胺氧化酶A(MAO-A)基因启动子30-bp重复序列多态性与重度子痫前期发病机制的关系。方法采用聚合酶链式反应限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)技术检测60例重度子痫前期患者(病例组)及70例正常孕妇(对照组)MAO-A基因启动子区的基因型,并对该多态性进行统计分析。结果 MOA-A基因启动子区H/H、H/L、L/L各基因型的分布频率和H、L等位基因的分布频率在病例组与对照组之间的分布均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 MAO-A基因启动子区的基因多态性可能与重度子痫前期的发病无相关性,但从机制上推测其基因多态性导致酶活性下降、儿茶酚胺灭活减少可能是重度子痫前期发病的重要原因。
Objective To analyze the impact of this polymorphism of monoamine oxidase A( MAO-A) variable number tandem repeat( VNTR) on the risk of severe preeclampsia. Methods Sixty pregnant women wih severe preeclampsia and seventy normal pregnant women were genotyped for MAO-A VNTR polymorphism using PCR-based restriction fragment length polymorphism method.Results Significant differences were not observed between the case group and normal controls in the frequencies of MAO-A VNTR alleles and genotypes. Conclusions There is no significant difference in the allele and genotype frequencies of MAO-A gene between case group and normal controls. Our results show that MAO-A VNTR polymorphism perhaps can no increase the risk of severe preeclampsia.
Medical Journal of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force