目的:探讨陕北地区农村留守儿童的心理状况及特点。方法:选择陕北地区2~6年级农村小学生为研究对象,采用多阶段抽样方法,采用心理健康诊断测验分别对延安地区和榆林地区农村留守儿童进行调查。结果:77.88%的留守儿童存在各种心理焦虑,各因子得分的均分为3.20~8.89,最高为学习焦虑,留守儿童和非留守儿童得分在对人焦虑上有差异(t =-2.147,P 〈0.05);8个因子中,≥8分的检出率范围为2.97%~67.84%,检出率最低为孤独倾向,最高为学习焦虑,留守儿童和非留守儿童在对人焦虑(χ2=6.624,P =0.01)和孤独倾向(χ2=4.907,P=0.027)上有差异;男生心理问题检出率的范围在2.27%~64.39%,女生心理问题检出率范围在3.65%~71.17%,女生的自责和恐怖倾向检出率高于男生(P 〈0.05),延安地区农村留守儿童心理焦虑检出率高于榆林地区。结论:陕北地区农村留守儿童具有较多的心理焦虑,尤其是学习焦虑,需要全社会共同参与和努力来改善。
Objective:To explore the mental health status and characteristics of rural left - behind children in Northern Shaanxi area.Methods:Choose 2~6 grade in Northern Shaanxi area region rural elementary school students as the research object,using multi-stage sampling method,the mental health diagnostic test to investigate Yan’an and Yulin region rural left-behind children respectively.Results:77.88% of left-behind children had various kinds psychological anxiety.Each factor of average score were 3.20 ~8.89.Learning anxiety had the highest score.Left-behind children and non left-behind children scores had differences in aspect of anxiety to people(t =-2.147,P 〈0.05);In eight factors,eight or higher points detection rate were in the range of 2.97%~67.84%,minimum of detec-tion rate was loneliness tendency and the highest was learning anxiety,Left-behind children and non left-behind children score had differences both in “anxiety to people”(χ2 =6.624,P =0.01)and loneliness tendency(χ2 =4.907, P =0.027);Boys psychological problem detection rate were in the range of 2.27% ~ 64.39% and the girls in the range of 3.65%~71.1 7%.Girls of self-accusation and terror tendency detection rate were higher than boys(P 〈0.05 ),Yan’an region rural left-behind children'psychological anxiety detection rate was higher than that of the Yu-lin area.Conclusion:Left-behind children in Northern Shaanxi area have more psychological anxiety,especially the learning anxiety,which need participation and efforts of the whole society.
China Journal of Health Psychology