

A Study on Loyalists and the Origin of Canadian Nationalism
摘要 对于一个民族国家而言,以弘扬爱国精神为宗旨的国家主义理念是增强其凝聚力不可或缺的因素之一。虽然加拿大国家主义的显性特征主要体现在自治领地成立之后,但是,追根溯源,该理念最早萌生于英属北美殖民地时期。具体而言,18世纪70年代后期,随着大量效忠派的出现,加拿大国家主义理念的核心内容开始初现端倪。该理念最初表现为效忠派对加拿大各殖民地产生的一种归属感,后来逐渐演变成一种有利于殖民地联合的社会思潮,在加拿大的联邦运动中发挥了重要作用。 As far as a state-nation is concerned, the nationalism aimed at promoting patriotism is one of the indispensable elements in enhancing its cohesion. Although the dominant character of Canadian nationalism mainly appears after the foundation of the Dominion, this theory was born in the colonial period of British North America. To be specific, at the end of 1770 s, following the entering of many loyalists to Canada, the core contents of Canadian naqnada. Later on, this theory became a social ideological trend which was beneficial to the union of colonies and played an important role during the movement of Canadian confederation.
作者 徐丹
出处 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第4期171-176,共6页 Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 辽宁省社会科学规划项目"外国文学经典与当代大学生情商教育有机结合研究"(L14DWW018)
关键词 效忠派 加拿大国家主义 联邦运动 loyalists Canadian nationalism confederation movement
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