1宏观环境影响中国经济走势是全球关注的焦点,众说纷纭,如何看中国当前的经济形势,我们可以从以下三点来总结:(1)2015年中国G D P增长6.9%,增长速度自1990年以来首次低于7%,2016年第一季度也是低于7%(6.7%),显然,中国经济增速相较以前有所放缓;(2)2015年中国G D P总量达到676708亿元,
Guo Yongxin, the vice director of China Light Industry Information Center, thought that China paper industry would go into the balanced optimal stage with the features of balanced output and increasing structure optimization. Guo Yongxin pointed out that to summarize the industrial development rule instead of guiding by experience to lead the development of enterprise was the compulsory course. He also put forward that paper industry should take the initiative to improve the competitiveness by improving the products performace, merger and reorganization and layout of globalization.
China Pulp & Paper Industry