
English Class Design to Improve Students' Oral Fluency

English Class Design to Improve Students' Oral Fluency
摘要 The paper discusses the concept of oral fluency and some factors which influence students' oral fluency, analyses the data from first-year English majors in USST and also helps design some effective ways to provide every chance to "force" students to speak English. Finally, the paper points out that oral class is absolutely not the only class to practice speaking English, other classes such as Comprehensive English, Extensive English, etc., can also be used to improve the students' oral fluency effectively if designed properly
作者 JIA Xiao-yun
出处 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第8期622-626,共5页 中美英语教学(英文版)
关键词 L2 fluency all-around environment INTERACTION 英语专业 课堂设计 口语 学生 分析数据 课堂练习 一年级
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