
心理治疗会话中阻抗序列的结构特征与生成机制 被引量:4

The Sequential Organization and Generative Mechanism of Resistance in Psychotherapy
摘要 本文以心理治疗中的真实语料为基础,采用会话分析的方法,力图揭示心理治疗会话中阻抗序列的结构特征,进而发现总结阻抗过程中会话双方采用的话语执行手段,并从语用学的角度深入挖掘阻抗序列生成的社会原因。研究发现:(1)一个基本的阻抗序列通常由三个话轮组成;(2)来访者主要利用话轮转换规则和非优先结构规则来表示阻抗,而治疗师则采用循环提问的方式应对;(3)阻抗具有其独特的话语执行手段和社会生成机制。在心理治疗会话中,会话双方要正确地认识和对待阻抗,以期有助于实现"以言治病"的目的。 Based on authentic data,this paper reports a conversational analysis of the sequential organization of resistance and the discursive devices used by the clients and therapists,and then the social generative mechanism of resistance in psychotherapy is discussed from the pragmatic perspective.The findings are:(1)The resistance sequence usually runs through three turns.(2)The turn-taking rules and dispreferred rules are the main devices employed by the clients while circular questioning is taken by the therapists as an intervention to clients' resistance.(3)Resistance in psychotherapy has generative mechanisms and interactional devices of its own.In interactions of psychotherapy,both clients and therapists should understand and deal with resistance in a correct way,aiming to achieve the goal of "talking cure".
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2016年第7期69-72,共4页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
基金 2015年度山东大学人文社科青年团队项目"话语与神经系统疾病诊断研究" 项目编号:IFYT15008
关键词 心理治疗 会话分析 阻抗序列 序列结构特征 生成机制 psychotherapy conversational analysis resistance sequence sequential organization generative mechanism
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