校园漂流瓶系统是互联网教育下的一个相互学习的社交平台,是答疑形式的创新,是对课堂学习的有益补充。本文基于Spring MVC框架,使用Java语言编程,从系统功能、数据库角度对系统进行设计,并详细地介绍了登陆注册、扔瓶子、捞瓶子以及查看瓶子四个模块的具体实现。
Campus Drift Bottles system is a Social platformwhichlearn from each other under the Internet Education,it is Innovation to Q A,and it is beneficial supplement to classroom learning.Based on Spring MVC,using Java as programe language,formthe angle of system function and database,the system is divided into landing registration,throwing bottles,picking up the bottle and see my bottle four modules,this article introduce implementation in detail.
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