丹尼尔·詹姆斯·布朗的《激流男孩》(The Boys in the Boat)以传记的形式,从乔伊的视角,讲述了来自美国华盛顿州的九个小伙子克服种种艰难险阻,在客场及赛道不利的情况下,在1936年柏林举办的奥运会上一举夺得八桨赛艇奥运金牌的感人经历。他们的事迹震惊划艇界,轰动全世界!
So began Joe's life in exile (背井离乡) . Thula would no longer cook for him, so every morning before school and again every evening he trudged(跋涉)down the wagon road(马车道)to the cookhouse at the bottom of the mountain to work for the company cook, Mother Cleveland, in exchange for breakfast and dinner.
English Language Learning