
法国义务教育的“新共同基础”解读 被引量:9

Interpretation of French “New Common Basis” for Compulsory Education
摘要 欧盟推出的"核心素养"框架确立了21世纪的欧盟教育目标。作为回应,法国于2006年出台了"共同基础"条例,又于2015年颁布了"新共同基础"条例,确立起义务教育的新一轮课程指导纲要。本文由欧盟"核心素养"谈起,梳理"新共同基础"条例的形成过程并呈现其主要内容,进而分析条例的调整要素及实施保障,意在通过对"新共同基础"的解读,探讨法国基础教育变革的优点所在。 The "Key Competences"put forward by European Union has established the framework for education objectives in the new century. France has responded to this framework by releasing in 2006 the decree of "Common Basis", then recently the "New Common Basis", which has established a new framework for its compulsory education curriculum. Starting from EU's "Key Competences", this paper sorts out the formation process of the "New Common Basis" and presents its main contents, based on which the adjustments and the implementation measures are analyzed. Through the interpretation of the "New Common Basis", this paper intends to explore the advantages of French education reform, thus providing a reference for our own country.
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期36-42,共7页 International and Comparative Education
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划教育部重点课题"国际学习科学新进展及其对基础教育课程变革的影响--以发达国家或地区为例"(课题编号:DDA120192)的成果之一
关键词 法国 核心素养 新共同基础 义务教育 教育变革 France key competences New Common Basis top-level design compulsory education education reform
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