
美国社区学院筹资理念的三大转变 被引量:3

The Three Changes of the Financing Notions of American Community College
摘要 虽然美国社区学院的筹资条件先天不足,但其筹资业绩却稳步增长。面对资金困境,美国社区学院的筹资理念发生了三大转变。筹资意识由重视大额捐赠转向利用新媒体等手段开发小额捐赠项目,重视其筹资效果的"长尾效应";筹资手段由"量身式"服务筹资转向"购买式"服务筹资,重视产教合作中利益共同体的多赢;筹资项目由"传统"向"特色"转变,如提供企业培训服务、教育受益人向投资人身份的转变以及通过远程教育募捐等不同于一般普通高校的筹资项目。美国社区学院筹资的成功经验为我国高等职业技术院校以及新建本科院校的筹资发展提供了有益借鉴。 Although Facing the inherent problems of financing conditions, American community colleges' financing performance is steadily increasing. Facing the problem of insufficient funds,three big changes in financing notions have occurred in American community colleges. First, the financing consciousness has changed from to paying attention to the large donation to take advantage of new media to focus on developing small donation project,attaching importance to its financing effect of the"long tail". Second, the method of financing has changed from "tailored" service to "Purchase" service. Third, financing projects are different from the ordinary colleges and universities. Community college has changed from the "traditional" to "characteristics", such as providing training services and education to enterprise. The successful experience of American community college provides the beneficial reference for our country's higher vocational and technical colleges as well as the newly-built universities and colleges for undergraduate.
作者 佟婧
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期65-71,共7页 International and Comparative Education
基金 2013年度黑龙江省博士后经费资助 哈尔滨师范大学博士后基金资助的研究成果
关键词 社区学院 筹资 长尾理论 众筹 community college financing the long tail crowd funding
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