目的分析豫东地区妊娠期梅毒患者的妊娠结局及相关影响因素,进一步证实规范抗梅毒治疗在改善妊娠结局中的作用。方法 204例妊娠期梅毒患者,随机分为治疗组(148例)和对照组(56例)。治疗组分为孕早期组(〈16周)53例,孕中期组(16-28周)52例,孕晚期组(〉28周)43例。对比各组妊娠结局,分析影响因素。结果治疗组不良妊娠结局发生率为55.4%,低于对照组的82.1%(P〈0.05);孕早期组不良妊娠结局发生率为24.5%,低于孕中期组和孕晚期组的71.2%、74.4%(P〈0.05)。结论早期干预治疗可以降低妊娠期梅毒的不良妊娠结局,可以预防改善新生儿不良危险结局。中晚期妊娠期梅毒和文化较低患者不良结局风险较大。
Objective To analyze pregnancy outcome of syphilis in pregnancy in eastern Henan and its influencing factors, and to further confirm and standardize effect by anti-syphilis treatment for improving pregnancy outcome. Methods A total of 204 patients with syphilis in pregnancy were randomly divided into treatment group (148 cases) and control group (56 cases). The treatment group was further divided into early pregnancy group (〈16 weeks) with 53 cases, midtrimester pregnancy group (16-28 weeks) with 52 cases and late pregnancy group (〉28 weeks) with 43 cases. Comparison was made on pregnancy outcomes in all groups for influencing factor analysis. Results The treatment group had lower incidence of poor pregnancy outcome as 55.4% than 82.1% in the control group (P〈0.05). Early pregnancy group had incidence of poor pregnancy outcome as 24.5%, which was lower than 71.2% in midtrimester pregnancy group and 74.4% in late pregnancy group (P〈0.05). Conclusion Early intervention can reduce poor pregnancy outcome of syphilis in pregnancy and improve neonatal adverse risk outcome. High risk exists in midtrimester and late pregnancy, and low education level patients.
China Practical Medicine
Pregnancy outcome