
松弛素参与生理及病理妊娠的研究进展 被引量:9

Research Progress of Relaxin in the Physiological and Pathologic Pregnancy
摘要 松弛素(relaxin,RLX)是胰岛素超家族的一员,对维持正常妊娠和分娩具有重要作用。RLX主要由卵巢黄体分泌。RLX及其受体松弛素家族多肽受体1(relaxin family peptide receptor 1,RXFP1)广泛分布于卵巢、子宫内膜、蜕膜、胎盘和胎膜组织。RLX参与胚胎发育、乳腺和子宫发育、妊娠维持、宫颈成熟、分娩发动以及妊娠期间循环系统代偿等多环节。RLX表达异常与流产、早产、胎膜早破、妊娠期高血压疾病和胎儿生长受限等多种病理妊娠有关。RLX及其受体RXFP1是母胎免疫耐受细胞因子调控网络中的重要一环。目前已知RLX是一种多能效的激素,除生殖系统外,还在肝脏、肾脏、心脏、大脑等组织器官,参与复杂多样的病理生理调节,具有广阔的应用前景。综述RLX参与生理及病理妊娠的最新研究进展。 Relaxin (RLX) is one of the members of insulin superfamily, which play important roles in normal pregnancymaintenance and labor initiation. In females relaxin is produced mainly by the corpus luteum. RLX and its receptor, familypeptide receptor relaxin (RXFP1) are widely distributed in ovary, endometrium, deciduas, placenta and fetal membranes. RLXregulates the development of embryo, mammary gland and uterus, the maintenance of pregnancy, cervical ripening, laborinitiation and maternal cardiovascular adaptation to pregnancy. Abnormal expressions of relaxin are related to higher incidencesof pathologic pregnancies including abortion, preterm birth, premature rupture of fetal membranes, hypertensive disorders inpregnancy and fetal growth restriction. RLX and its receptor, RXFP1 acts important roles in the cytokine regulation network inthe matemal-fetal immune tolerance. So far, RLX is known as a multi-effective and promising hormone that participates in muchphysiological and pathologic process in liver, kidney, heart and brain besides productive system. This review is focused onsummarizing the recent advances of researches in the roles for RLX in physiological and pathologic pregnancies.
出处 《国际妇产科学杂志》 CAS 2016年第4期388-392,402,共6页 Journal of International Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 松弛素 妊娠 胚胎发育 胚胎植入 流产 自然 早产 胎膜早破 高血压 妊娠性 Relaxin Pregnancy Embryonic development Embryo implantation Abortion,spontaneous Premature birth Fetal membranes,premature rupture Hypertension,pregnancy-induced
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