利用神经网络技术 ,实现电网的继电保护目前已达到了实用阶段 ,工业规模的应用已付诸实施。以往我们采用传统的数学技术方案 ,实现电力变压器差动保护 ,而现在用神经网络技术开发了新一代的保护装置。该文主要说明基于神经网络技术在变压器保护领域取得的成果和达到的性能指标 ,解释了带偏置的神经网络技术装置调试简单 ,保护功能可靠的原因。
Toady artificial neural networks have reached the stage in which they can be used in the field of electrical network protection. Transformer differential protection, which we thoroughly master in conventional digital technology, is currently undergoing developments using neural networks. The purpose of this paper is to describe this achievement, to show the performances obtained and to explain why the technology of neural network can simplify commissioning and operation of the protection.
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