

The Ghostly Past: A Gothic Reading of Jim Crace's Harvest
摘要 《收获》是英国作家吉姆·克雷斯2013年的新作。《收获》作为一部哥特小说,在主题、人物形象、环境刻画及情节构造等方面均借鉴了哥特传统,同时又融入了一些当代哥特叙事。小说不但试图通过哥特形式,消除性别二元对立,还通过"活体幽灵"的女性哥特暴力话语叙事,揭示主体自我分裂本质为"家"与"非家"暗恐的博弈;不仅拟写并反思历史,书写当代英国社会条件下的种种个体或集体的文化焦虑,还表达了克雷斯试图通过重塑荒野审美话语形成一种社会共同体性建构力量的愿景。 Harvest is Jim Crace' s recent novel. The paper argues that the novel can be categorized as a Gothic, not only because the theme, the characterization, the setting and plotting are traditionally gothical, but because it narrates in contemporary Gothic manifestations. The Gothic narrative helps to eliminate the sex opposition. By characterizing a female "living ghost", the Gothic violence narrative reveals that the self is split and the "uncanny" is dispersing. The novel connects the present with historical materials to represent contemporary concerns, that is individual and collective anxiety. Meanwhile, it expresses Crace' s community vision by way of reclaiming "wilderness" discourse.
出处 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期39-45,共7页 Journal of Hunan University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 吉姆·克雷斯 《收获》 哥特 “非家”暗恐 历史 Jim Crace Harvest Gothic uncanny history
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