

摘要 晚清《点石斋画报》在绘画构图和技巧上融通古今中外,赋予新闻画报以独特的视角和空间展现,为近代中国民众构建了一个视觉的新空间和一个现代的公共空间,这深深影响着现代中国的发展。现代公共空间首先是现代个体感知和体验的公共空间,即视觉与想象的共同体空间。《点石斋画报》一方面以图画说新闻,以视觉猎奇,使民众日益参与到现代生活世界中来,拓展其视野和生活空间,形成一种近代中国民众放眼世界与想象未来中国的独特的现代体验;另一方面它在很大程度上逐渐形成了公众的视觉和体验的共同体,构建起近代国人对现代中国最初的印象和想象,推动了中国现代化的历程。 The Dianshizhai Pictorial in the late Qing Dynasty integrated the traditional Chinese and modern western ways of picture-composition and artistic techniques, and gave space of artistic expression. newspaper p The pictorial ictorials particular perspectives and constructed a new visual space and a modern public space for the Chinese people at that time, and it has exerted a far-reaching influence on the development of modern China. The formation of modern public space based on individual perception and experience. It began with the formation of the community of modern individuals' vision and imagination. On the one hand, The Dianshizhai Pictorial carried news by pictures, sought novelty with visual sense, and as a resuh, it involved a growing number of Chinese people into the modern world. It greatly expanded the horizon and living space of the public, opened the Chinese people's eyes for global visions, and developed their power of imagination of the future China, all of which made up the Chinese people's unique experience of the modern world. And on the other hand, to a great extent, the formation of the community of people's visual sense and pic th torial prompted eir individual experience, which established the modern Chinese people's initial impression and imagination of modern China, and which pushed forward the course of China's modernization.
作者 詹悦兰
出处 《文化研究》 CSSCI 2016年第2期272-288,共17页 Cultural Studies
关键词 透视法 视觉 公共空间 想象 现代体验 perspective visual sense public space imagination the modern experience
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