提出一种基于实例的非真实感图像绘制算法 .该算法利用两种纹理合成的基本方法 ,通过参数调整控制匹配点在结构与细节间的倾向性 ,把输入样图中的绘画风格传输到目标图片中 ,实现了自动绘画功能 .另外 ,还提出一种搜索算法 ,该算法可以大大地加快纹理合成速度 .
This paper presents a novel example based non realistic rendering approach. In our algorithm, two basic texture synthesis approaches are used to find matching pixels in the source images: an approximate search, which is used to find the closest matching pixel; and a coherence search, based on Ashikhmin's approach, which attempts to preserve coherence with the neighboring synthesized pixels. Painting styles can be transferred automatically from source images to the target image, and different effect results can be simply adjusted with several parameters. Furthermore, a new searching method based on KNN is also proposed to speed up texture synthesis. Experimental results demonstrate our algorithm is very efficient for style transfer.
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
国家自然科学基金 (60 10 3 0 2 4)
国家杰出青年基金 (6992 5 2 0 4)
国家创新群体基金(60 0 2 12 0 1)资助