Land use change and its ecological impact mechanism is the core content of land use research.The ecosystem services valuation is an effective way to measure the environmental impact of land use change.Qidong coastal areas were used as examples in this paper,remote sensing images of 2002 and 2014 were taken as the main data source to quantitatively analysis land use changing situations and its ecological service function value changes in the research areas during the 12 years.The conclusions were as follows:1)the nature of land use structure changed greatly in the short term,mainly reflected in the degree of land use being strengthened,and the structure and function of land use turning diversified and complicated.2)the economic and social function of land use were enhanced,while the value of land use systematic ecological services dropped dramatically,reflecting excessive loss of natural resources cost caused by the economic and social development,which might have impact on the sustainable development of regional economy and society.Constructing landscape optimized land use pattern,developing ecological industries according to local conditions,protecting ecosystems of relatively high ecological value stringently and so on are the key measures of sustainable utilization of land resources.
Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Natural Science Edition