

Coverage research of millimeter wave cellular system based on stochastic geometry theory
摘要 随着移动多媒体业务的日益发展,蜂窝通信的频带日趋紧张,开辟新的频带资源是解决问题的关键技术之一。毫米波频段丰富的频率资源已经成为关注的焦点,它将是下一代蜂窝网络发展的希望所在。提出一种基于随机几何理论的毫米波蜂窝网络基站建模方法,用线段模型对城市中的建筑物进行建模,根据概率理论推导了毫米波蜂窝网络中建筑物的阻挡数量;分析了建筑物阻挡对覆盖产生的影响,研究了毫米波蜂窝网络的覆盖概率与信干比(Signal To Interference Ratio,SIR)之间的关系,最后通过系统仿真对前面的理论进行了验证,仿真结果与毫米波的传输理论一致。 The frequency band of the cellular communication becomes very scarce, finding new frequency resources is one of the key technologies to solve this problem. Millimeter wave band has been widely concerned for its abundant frequency resource, and it will be a promising technology for the fifth generation cellular system. In this paper, a millimeter wave cellular network base station modeling method based on stochastic geometry theory is proposed, the blockage of buidings to millimeter wave cellular network is deduced, the relationship between coverage probability and SIR is studied. At last, the theory mentioned before is verified through system simulation, and the simulation result is agreement with the theory of millimeter wave transmission.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2016年第8期57-61,共5页 Video Engineering
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2015MS101) 国家自然科学基金项目(61302106) 河北省自然科学基金项目(F2014502098)
关键词 随机几何理论 毫米波 蜂窝通信 覆盖 stochastic geometry theory millimeter wave cellular communication coverage
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