
认知情感视角下青少年信息查询行为研究进展述评 被引量:7

A Review on Research of Adolescent Information-Seeking Behavior from Cognitive and Affective Perspective
摘要 [目的/意义]系统归纳和总结青少年信息查询行为中认知和情感因素的研究现状,指出研究存在的不足和未来发展方向,以期对进一步研究提供借鉴和参考。[方法/过程]通过主题检索和引文追溯收集相关研究文献,将检索到的文献从认知和情感两方面,归纳研究主题和现状。[结果/结论]当前研究主题主要涉及青少年信息查询中的认知表现,认知行为过程模型、认知风格、元认知、认知权威以及不同认知风格和情感类型对青少年查询行为、查询策略、查询结果质量的影响等。未来研究应立足多元复杂社会网络和技术使用情境,加强青少年信息查询过程中的认知情感干预调节和指导研究,从更细微动态的维度剖析认知情感特征和作用机制。 [ Purpose/significance]This study aims to summarize the research status of adolescent information-see- king behavior from cognitive and affeetive perspective and to propose several noteworthy research directions for the future study. [ Method/process ] We use subject search and citation trackbaek to collect literatures on this topic and conclude the research status and topics from congnitive and affeetive perspective with a systematical and profound analysis. [ Result/ conclusion] The present research topics include cognitive performance, process models, cognitive styles, metacognition, cognitive authorities, and the influence study of cognitive style and emotion to inforamtion seeking behavior, seeking strat- egies, seeking results and so on. It is concluded that the future research can be carried out on complcxt and diversified so- cial network and technology utilization contexts, and the study on adolesecent cognitive and emtional intervention and guiding during the process of informaiton seeking should be strengthened to shed light on the cognitive and emotional char- acteristics and mechianism of action on information seeking behavior from more subtal and dynamic dimensions analysis.
作者 张敏 鲍红琼
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第14期142-148,共7页 Library and Information Service
关键词 青少年 信息查询行为 认知 情感 adolescence information seeking behavior cognition emotion
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