为研究充足的无机碳对同步亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化与反硝化(SNAD)工艺的恢复与稳定运行的影响,向硝酸盐氮积累而崩溃的SNAD反应器中投加过量无机碳,对反应器的运行情况进行研究.结果表明:在无机碳质量浓度为理论需要量的350%~410%的条件下运行36 d后,出水硝酸盐氮由12.1 mg/L下降至3.47 mg/L,特征比由2.31升高至20.77;继续投加无机碳至理论需要量的200%~310%,运行42 d后,总氮去除负荷由0.176 g/(L·d)升高至0.299 g/(L·d);投加无机碳前后,好氧氨氧化活性(AOR,RAO)与厌氧氨氧化活性(ANR,RAN)分别由0.061 4和0.040 6 g/(g·d)升高至0.081 1和0.065 9 g/(g·d).结果表明,充足的无机碳投加在有效解除SNAD工艺硝酸盐氮积累问题的同时,可以促进好氧氨氧化菌(AOB)和厌氧氨氧化菌(An AOB)的活性.
In order to assess the impact of the inorganic carbon on the recovery and stability of SNAD process, excessive inorganic carbon was added to the SNAD reactor, which has collapsed due to the nitrate accumulation. The reactor was operated for 36 d under the conditions with a 370%-430%of theoretical inorganic carbon additive, and the effluent nitrate decreased from 12.1 mg/L to 3.47 mg/L under steady-state operation, simultaneously the feature ratio increased from 2. 31 to 20. 77. Then reduced the inorganic carbon additive to 260%-320% of the theoretical inorganic carbon concentration, the total nitrogen removal load increased from 0. 176 g/( L · d ) to 0.299 g/( L·d) after 42 d operation, the aerobic ammonia oxidation activity ( AOR ) and anaerobic ammonia oxidation activity ( ANR) also increased from 0.061 4 g/( g·d) to 0.081 1 g/( g·d) , and 0.040 6 g/( g·d) to 0.065 9 g/( g·d) , respectively. Thus, sufficient inorganic carbon source not only released the problem of nitrate build-up, but also enhanced the activity of AOB and AnAOB.
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology