Based on the Kutta-Joukwski lift force law in aerodynamics, the force on particles is analyzed, and the theoretical method FK-J=ρg(vg,Z-vp,Z)(?vp,Z/?r)r to calculate Kutta-Joukowski force on particle group in riser is proposed. Furthermore, the local solid holdup and particle velocity profile are studied by PV-6D optical fiber density apparatus via a large-scale cold-model experiment. With the former theoretical method, the radial profile of the Kutta-Joukowski force is proposed on the basis of the experiment results. The influence of solid circulation rate, superficial gas velocity and axial position on Kutta-Joukwski lift force is analyzed. The results show that when dimensionless radius r/R=0, Kutta-Joukwski lift force is 0, r/R is 0.85, Kutta-Joukwski lift force is maximized, Kutta-Joukwski lift force increases with solid circulation rate, the superficial gas velocity has no significant effect on the radial distribution of Kutta-Joukwski lift force, the value in fully developed zone is larger than accelerating zone and export restrained zone. Furthermore, the empirical formulae for the estimation of the radial distribution of Kutta-Joulowski force is set up based on the experimental data and theoretical analysis. The computed and experimental results are in good agreement.
The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering