
国家合法性和国家社会关系 被引量:75

State Legitimacy and State-Society Relations
摘要 意识形态,程序和政府绩效是国家合法性的三个最根本的来源。以下三个因果关系是联系国家合法性基础和民众政治认知模式最为重要的机制:(1)意识形态合法性在一个国家统治中的地位越重要,价值理性在该国家民众的政治思维和行为模式中也就越占据重要地位。(2)程序合法性在一个国家统治中的地位越重要,形式理性在该国家民众的政治思维和行为模式中也越占据重要地位。(3)绩效合法性在一个国家统治中的地位越重要,工具理性在该国家民众的政治思维和行为模式中也就越占据重要地位。国家合法性的三个来源各有特性,本身很难说有什么优劣之分,关键在于这三个基本面向在一个具体的国家中的组合,以及一个具体组合在新的社会条件下改变的能力。时代变了,一个国家合法性来源的侧重也得随之改变。 Ideology, commonly accepted procedure of leadership selection, and performance, are the three major sources of state legitimacy. The following three mechanisms are the causal links between the sources of state legitimacy and political orientations of the people in the given state: (1)The more a state's legitimacy is based on ideology, the more important is value rationality in shaping the political cognition and behavior of the people in that state; (2)The more a state's legitimacy is based on a commonly accepted procedure of leadership selection, the more important is formal rationality in shaping the political cognition and behavior of the people in that state; (3)The more a state's legitimacy is based on performance, the more important is instrumental rationality in shaping the political cognition and behavior of the people in that state. Each source of state legitimacy has very different shaping power to the cognitive structure and behavior of the people. A more congenial state-society relation, therefore, hinges on an organic combination of the three.
作者 赵鼎新
机构地区 浙江大学
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第8期166-178,共13页 Academic Monthly
关键词 合法性 理想型 社会理性 政治认知 国家社会关系 legitimacy, ideal type, social rationality, political cognition, state-society relations
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  • 1杨光斌的《不能做“合法性”概念的囚徒》(《北京日报》2015年11月23日.
  • 2Rawls, John. Political Liberalism, New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.
  • 3Crozier, Michel, Samuel P. Huntington, and Joji Watanuki, The Crisis of Democracy: On the Governability of Democracies, New York: New York University Press, 1975.
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  • 5Connolly, William. (ed.) "Socil Conflict, Legitimacy, and Democracy," in Legitimacy and the State, edited by William Connolly, New York: New York University Press, 1984, pp. 88- 103.
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  • 7Habermas, Jtirgen, Legitimation Crisis, Boston: Beacon Press, 1975.
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