
玄武岩纤维布加固受损圆截面木梁抗弯性能试验研究 被引量:2

Flexural behavior experimental study on damaged circular cross section timber beam strengthened by BFRP sheets
摘要 对14根圆截面木梁先进行静载破坏试验以模拟实际工程受损状态。然后针对木梁受损的特点,分别用玄武岩纤维布采用不同方法加固后再进行静载试验,对木梁自身极限承载力、延性等性能进行了加固前后的对比分析。分析结果表明,玄武岩纤维布粘贴加固技术适合于已损木结构,对改善木梁的承载能力、延性及刚度都有贡献。在保证粘贴质量的前提下,加固效果与对受损特征的认知、玄武岩纤维布的层数、纵环向的配合等影响因素有关。当受损特征认知清楚、纵环向配合得当、玄武岩纤维布粘贴层数增加时,其加固效果随之增加。 Static load damaged tests on 14 circular cross section timber beams were carried out to simulate the damage status in practical projects. Then according to the different damage characteristics of timber beams,different strengthening methods with Basalt Fiber Reinforced Plastics( BFRP) sheets were carried out on timber beams before static load tests.The performances of the timber beams including the ultimate bearing capacity and ductility before and after strengthening were compared and analyzed. The analysis results show that the BFRP sheet paste strengthening technology is suitable for the damaged timber structure and makes contribution to the bearing capacity,ductility and stiffness of the timber beams.Under the premise of ensuring the quality of paste,the strengthening quality is influenced by factors as the damage characteristics cognition,the layer of BFRP sheets and cooperation of longitudinal paste with hoop paste. The strengthening effect can be improved in circumstances that the damage characteristics is clear recognized,the layer of BFRP sheets is increased and that cooperation of longitudinal paste with hoop paste is perfect.
作者 宋彧 陈万伟
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第15期114-118,共5页 Building Structure
关键词 木结构 圆截面 加固 试验 玄武岩纤维布 timber structure circular cross section beam strengthen experiment Basalt Fiber Reinforced Plastics(BFRP) sheet
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