
必须用时代化的科学社会主义理论指导当代政治经济学的创新和发展 被引量:3

advance and develop the theory of Marxism's political economy in spirit of scientific and contemporary socialism
摘要 文章对邓小平提出的"什么是马克思主义"和"什么是社会主义"两个历史之问,进行了较详细的讨论,并从这两个问题入手,以中国社会经济发展的史实和中国共产党发展壮大所经历的艰难曲折为依据,系统地讨论和阐明:为什么马克思主义的政治经济学认为,生产力的发展才是决定人类社会发展进步,最主要和根本的动力。而作为反映和总结人类社会这一历史进程的理论——政治经济学,包括马克思主义理论本身,也必将在这一进程中不断发展和丰富,有所扬弃,有所进步,有所发展。中国革命的经验对马克思主义理论的贡献,就是最好的证明。而当代社会生产力随着科学技术的飞速发展与进步,特别是高度信息化、网络化与智能机器人的发展和应用,不仅鲜明地表明:先进的科学技术不仅对当代社会生产力的决定性的推动,还直接导致传统意义下的工人和农民群体正在萎缩,并将逐步消失。这就不可避免地冲击了马克思主义政治经济学中,关于劳动价值和剩余价值的基本理论。文章作者提出的具体方案是:当今社会财富,即使用价值的产生和积累,并非简单的等于工人和农民创造的劳动价值,而是由他们所创造的价值,再乘以广义的科技放大因子。后者包括了智力劳动所带来的一切提高效率和创新的科技成果,以及规划和管理、市场推广、营销等带来的效率提高。在当今社会,这一效率因子,特别是某些高技术领域,可以很大。这就具体而定量地刻画了:科学技术是第一生产力。文章还可以进一步证明:这一广义科技效率因子,就是古典经济学中的全要素生产率。这不仅为马克思的政治经济学补上了当今经济社会生活中不可或缺的重要经济学概念,同时也给古典经济学中凭经验,唯象地引入的Solow residue(索洛剩余)参数,赋予了实体的内涵。 The author discussed in detail the two principal historical questions: "what is Marxism?" and "what is socialism?" raised by Deng Xiaoping. Based upon the history of China's social-economic development as well as the experiences gained by The Communist Party of China in practicing the socialism revolution with Chinese characters, the author gave an systematic analyses and argued that, according to Marxism, the productive force and its development is the primary driven force for the development and progress of a society, including its social system of ownerships. As the fundamental guiding theory of CPC, the Marxism political economy is also changing and advancing greatly in the whole process. The lessons learned in building the socialism with Chinese characters in China have greatly contributed and will be contributing to the Marxist classics. The contemporary social economy worldwide are experiencing fast changing and advancing based on the new science and high technology. In particular, the artificial intelligence(AT) will bring changes to the society that is unimaginable by the writers of Marxism's classics. This in turn also will bring many new elements inevitably to the theory of Marxist political economy. One problem that the Marxist must face is that because of the wide use of AT, the need for labor forces of the traditional workers is diminishing, and as a result the work class has to diminish and has already diminished in the developed counties, the surplus values produced by the workers are also diminishing and will fade away ultimately. In this paper, the author proposes to formulate the classic theory of value of use in theory of value of labor by introducing a parameter named generalized science and technology efficiency factor N to include not only all the effects of progress in science and technology have on the productivity but also all the management as well as the market effect so that the value of use Ws equals to the exchange value Wj times N. With this modification the Ws can be identified as utility in the neoclassical economy. Moreover,it can also be shown the factor N is nothing else but the total factor of productivity.
作者 何祚庥
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 CSCD 2016年第8期957-972,共16页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
关键词 劳动价值学说 剩余价值 使用价值 全要素生产率 theory of value of labor theory of surplus value value of use total factor of productivity
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