
名字与性别的人际吸引机制:性别角色评价的中介作用 被引量:8

Effects of Name and Gender on Interpersonal Attraction:Gender Role Evaluation as a Mediator
摘要 目的:探究名字性别倾向(男性化,中性化,女性化)及其与个体性别的符合度对人际吸引力的影响,以及性别角色评价的中介作用。方法:实验均为2×2×3混合设计。实验一采用外在情感性Simon任务考察名字-性别组合在内隐层面对人际吸引力的影响,实验二采用性别角色量表和人际吸引力量表考察影响机制。结果:名字能激活性别刻板印象,总体而言,具有中性名的个体人际吸引力最高,名字符合性别预期的个体人际吸引力较高,当名字与性别不匹配时,取女性名的男性人际吸引力最低。性别角色评价的双性化程度在其中起完全中介作用。结论:名字性别倾向通过知觉者的性别角色评价影响个体的人际吸引力,拥有中性名的个体被认为兼具较高男性和女性特质,因此人际吸引力较高。 Objective: To explore the effects of name-gender orientation(masculine/feminine/ambiguous) and individual gender on interpersonal attraction, and the mediating effect of gender role evaluation on this relationship. Methods: Two experiments with 2 × 2 ×3 mixed factorial design were conducted. In study 1, participants were asked first to remember six names with gender and then to accomplish the Extrinsic Affective Simon Task(EAST) as an implicit measure of interpersonal attraction. In study 2, participants were required to evaluate different names with gender on the Chinese Sex Role Inventory(CSRI) and the Interpersonal Attraction Scale. Results: Names activated gender stereotypes. Overall, individuals with gender-ambiguousnames had the highest interpersonal attraction, followed by those whose names are consistent with others' gender expectation. But gender-inconsistent names had the lowest attraction, especially if a male has a feminine name. Furthermore, the androgynous gender role evaluation mediated the relationship between names and interpersonal attraction. Conclusion: Name-gender orientation influences our evaluation of the individual's gender role and interpersonal attraction. People tend to associate gender-ambiguous names with androgynous gender roles, which explains the variation of interpersonal attraction.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期596-600,595,共6页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 2014年度北京师范大学本科生科研基金项目(310400040)
关键词 名字 性别角色 人际吸引 中介作用 内隐态度 Name Gender role Interpersonal attraction Mediating effect Implicit attitude
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