
可重复性:心理学研究不可忽视的实践 被引量:5

Reproducibility: The Research Practice Cannot Be Ignored in Psychological Science
摘要 实验和统计方法使漫谈的心理学思想成为心理学科,建立了严谨的学科体系,促进了心理学的科学化。但是,越来越多的证据表明心理学研究在重复性验证上是脆弱的。究其原因:统计显著性检验的不确定性;样本和统计效力问题;统计方法和模型的误用;灵活的实验设计和选择性报告,均对可重复的研究造成了负面影响。作为科学界的自我审视和回应:选取大样本;增加科学研究的透明度;报告效果量和置信区间;结合其他可选的统计方法;接受富有影响的组织机构的倡议和建立可重复性的规范。科学是一个在探索未知中逐步减少不确定性的过程,可重复性作为科学本质之一和重要特征,这方面的实践将促进心理学科的自我修补和客观化,规范化,科学化进程。 A fundamental goal of statistics is to ensure the reproducibility of scientific findings and the reproducibility of statistical findings has become a concern for the psychologist. Experimental and statistical methods transformed the psychological thoughts to psychological sciences. However, the reproducibility in science is a familiar issue, not only within the scientific community, but with the general public as well. There are some key reasons for which statistical findings cannot be replicated, including statistical significance test does not tell us what we want to know; power and sampling issues; misapplication of statistical tests; flexible study designs and selective reporting. As self-examine and responds of the scientific community, to select large sample size; aspire to greater transparency; report effect sizes and confidence intervals; use a Bayesian statistical framework, meta-analysis, permutation test; establish reproducibility as a standard. The process of science is to explore the unknown and gradually reducing uncertainties. Reproducibility is a defining feature of science, but the extent to which it characterizes current research is unknown, this practice will contribute to the self-repairing, objectification, standardization, and scientization of psychological sciences.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期618-622,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 江西省教育科学规划课题(项目编号:11YB149)
关键词 可重复性 大样本 显著性检验 效果量 元分析 Reproducibility Large samples Statistical significance testing Effect size Meta-analysis
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