
中美青少年校园欺负受害问题的比较研究 被引量:17

A Comparative Study of Bullying Victimization in Chinese and American Adolescents
摘要 目的:探讨中美两国青少年校园欺负受害状况的异同。方法:以1677名中国中学生和1814名美国中学生为被试,采用特拉华欺负受害量表(学生卷)(DBVS-S),对中美青少年在受言语欺负、身体欺负、关系欺负和网络欺负量表得分上的年级和性别差异进行跨文化比较。结果:(1)总体上中国和美国青少年欺负受害发生率存在显著的差异,与中国青少年相比,美国青少年除受"言语欺负"百分比较低且二者差异极显著外,受"身体欺负"、"关系欺负"和"网络欺负"的百分比均较高,其中受"关系欺负"和"网络欺负"的得分差异分别达到显著和极显著水平;(2)在受欺负的类型上,中美青少年都是受言语欺负比例最高、网络欺负占比最小,相比受身体欺负而言,美国青少年遭受关系欺负的比例更高。(3)中美两国青少年的欺负受害存在显著的性别差异,无论中国还是美国,男生的欺负受害发生率均显著地高于女生;(4)中国青少年欺负受害发生率存在显著的年级差异,美国青少年欺负受害发生率年级差异不显著,但两国青少年受欺负的发生率均为十一年级受欺负百分比最高,十二年级受欺负百分比最低。结论:中美青少年校园欺负受害发生率存在显著差异。 Objective: To compare the differences in school bulling victimization among Chinese and American high school students. Methods: 1677 Chinese and 1814 American high school students were measured with the revised Delaware Bullying Victimization Seale-Student(DBVS-S). Results: (1)In general, there were significant differences in school bulling victimization occurring rate among Chinese and American youth, more American youth who experienced physical, relational and cyber bulling than Chinese youth, and less American youth experienced verbal bulling than Chinese youth; (2) In both China and American, verbal bullying accounted for the highest, cyber bullying accounted for the smallest, compared to the physical bullying, American youth suffer a higher proportion of relational bullying; (3)In both China and American, more boys experienced all the four kinds of bullying victimization than girls; (4)The prevalence rate of bullying victimization was significant higher among eleventh grade than that among Grade ten and grade twelve, The lowest prevalence rate of bullying victimization was in grade twelve. Conclusion: The study indicates that there are differences in school bulling victim- ization among youth from different nations.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期706-709,683,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 湖南省教育科学“十三五”规划课题,高中生感知的校园氛围对其社会情绪健康、学业成绩影响的追踪研究(XJK016BXL002)阶段性成果
关键词 中美青少年 欺负受害 跨文化比较 Chinese and American youth Bulling victimization Cross-cultural comparison
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