Human Library作为一种新型的服务模式在国内高校迅速流行,但是,持续发展情况却不尽人意。通过对90所高校开展Human Library服务的持续发展情况进行调查发现,国内高校Human Library服务存在服务形式化、前期普及性培训缺乏、后期资源保存及服务评估难于实施等问题。改进措施及建议:完善服务机制、建立专业服务团队、构建虚拟信息共享空间等。
The Human Library as a new service model quickly becames popular in domestic universities. However, its sustained development is unsatisfactory. Through the surveys of 90 universities sustained development of the human library service, some problems are revealed, such as formal services, the lack of universal pre - training, adn the resource conservation and service evaluation were difficult to implement. Therefore, the authors propose to im- prove the service mechanism, establish a professional services team and build a virtual information sharing space.
Journal of The Library Science Society of Sichuan
2014年山东省文化厅艺术科学重点课题"基于Human Library的嵌入式知识服务应用研究"(2014342)研究成果之一